Monthly Archives - November 2023

Meniscus Pain: Surgery or Exercises?

29 November 2023

Introduction Are you grappling with knee pain that disrupts your daily life? The culprit might be your meniscus. In this guide, we'll unravel the complexities of meniscus pain, exploring whether surgery is necessary or if exercises can provide relief. Learn what to avoid during your recovery and discover effective rehab strategies with simple exercises. Plus, we'll highlight a crucial consideration for a successful recovery journey. Understanding the Meniscus: To make sense of this, let's start by understanding what the meniscus is. The...

Shoulder Tests for Shoulder Pain

28 November 2023

If you're experiencing shoulder pain, this blog will guide you through simple shoulder tests to identify potential musculoskeletal issues. Note that various conditions, even unrelated to the shoulder, can cause pain, so it's essential to rule out medical concerns. If you experience pain without movement, consult a medical professional. Common Musculoskeletal Conditions: 1. Rotator Cuff Related Pain: Characterized by pain on the side of the shoulder, possibly radiating to the elbow. Look for a painful arc, especially around 90 degrees of abduction. Tests like...

Ultimate Spinal Workout

22 November 2023

A traditional spinal workout often neglects the entire spine, with a predominant focus on the lower back. This comprehensive routine, endorsed by Rob from AMR Physio, addresses all areas, including the often-overlooked neck, to promote overall spine health. Rob's Recommendations: Incorporate both mobility and strengthening exercises for a balanced and effective approach to spine health. Lower Back exercises for the Spinal workout: Hyperextensions: Start with light weights, gradually increasing over time. Check out this instructional video for valuable tips on form and focus. Additional Lower...

Frozen Shoulder

21 November 2023

Unlock Relief: A Comprehensive Guide to Frozen Shoulder Exercises Understanding Frozen Shoulder: Causes and Demographics A frozen shoulder is an extremely painful condition affecting the mobility of the shoulder.  Sometimes it can develop following trauma but not always, it can just gradually come on and get worse.  It’ll generally happen between 40 and 60 years old and be more common in women.   The worst part of a frozen shoulder is how long it can last. Typically, it lasts around 18 months to 2 years.  If...