Shoulder Pain

Treatments Shoulder pain More about Shoulder Pain

There are several things that can cause shoulder pain, including, muscle, tendon, joint, and bursa to name a few, all of which may affect daily activities.  The pain can be felt in the front of the shoulder, the side and down the arm, or around the shoulder blade, which may or may not be as a result of an injury.  Some of the most common causes can be rotator cuff tendinopathy, bursitis, frozen shoulder, or osteoarthritis.  At AMR Physiotherapy we are determined to help you get to the route of the issue and set you up with an appropriate treatment package. For more information about shoulder pain, please have a look at our blog on rotator cuff issues.

Shoulder pathologies may present with severe pain on movement, particularly above shoulder height, and it’s common to have restricted movement and significantly altered function.

If you have started to develop neurological symptoms such as pins and needles and numbness in your arm or hand, then it’s important to have a specialist look into this.  When this is the case it could be referred from your neck and not related to your shoulder.

If you are unsure of what is going on and the best things to be doing, we can help!
We understand the impact that pain can have on your daily life and the mental space it can take up, stopping you from being able to do the things that are important to you.
We will ensure a thorough assessment by discussing your situation and a hands-on screening to determine the structures that are affecting you.
This will allow you to have a clearer understanding of what is going on and we will guide you through the best treatment and adaptations you can follow, using an up to date evidence-based, honest approach to allow you to get back to the things that are important to you sooner.
If you would like to be seen by one of our skilled and friendly team please book an appointment