Author - Martynas Zilinskas

Frozen Shoulder

21 November 2023

Unlock Relief: A Comprehensive Guide to Frozen Shoulder Exercises Understanding Frozen Shoulder: Causes and Demographics A frozen shoulder is an extremely painful condition affecting the mobility of the shoulder.  Sometimes it can develop following trauma but not always, it can just gradually come on and get worse.  It’ll generally happen between 40 and 60 years old and be more common in women.   The worst part of a frozen shoulder is how long it can last. Typically, it lasts around 18 months to 2 years.  If...

Tennis elbow

28 November 2022

Tennis elbow usually presents with pain right on the outside of the elbow. This is also known as lateral epicondyle pain. Generally, the issue occurs due to an overuse injury. For example, doing something you don’t normally do where you’ve overstressed the common wrist extensor origin. A good example would be a DIY project such as drilling. The common extensor origin attaches to the elbow but is all based on the movement of the hand and fingers....

Sports Massage

30 June 2022

Sports massage also known as Deep Tissue Massage is a well-known technique to help with muscle soreness, tightness, and muscle spasms. Even though it is called sports massage, you don’t need to be an athlete to benefit from one. Soft tissue work is great for reducing upper and lower back tightness for people who tend to sit a lot at work.  Sports massage can benefit people who train at the gym. It could help you to train more regularly and deal...

Rotator cuff related Shoulder pain

6 January 2022

Rotator Cuff So how do you know if you’ve got rotator cuff pain and what is it? Well, around 70% of shoulder pain in over 45 is related to disorders of the rotator cuff.   Normally people with rotator cuff issues have pain around the outside of the shoulder. Frequently, the pain can be felt down the arm sometimes to the elbow.  It’ll generally be the more painful movements being lifting the arm out to the side. The pain can...

Lower Back pain management blueprint

31 October 2021

Lower back pain management blueprint Low back pain (LBP) is defined as pain that is localised below the ribs (costal margin) and above the inferior gluteal folds (bottom of the buttocks) with or without referred pain down the leg(s) (sciatica). Most of the cases (75% - 90% depending on research) are likely to improve in four to six weeks (ref) However, that does not mean that those who fail to improve in the initial six weeks will live forever in pain. 41%...

Long Covid

23 April 2021

What is Long covid and what are the symptoms? Recently growing evidence from patients’ experience has shown that a significant part of people that suffered from COVID 19 struggle to shake off the unwanted side effects from the disease. These include difficulty breathing, trouble concentrating (brain fog), chest pain, fatigue.  Most people report difficulty in engaging with normal activities of daily living and reduced energy levels. However, long covid is still a fairly unknown condition with no clear diagnostic criteria nor...

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT)

28 November 2020

The peer-reviewed paper Aging published a research paper that investigated the HBOT and its potential improvement to the telomere length (TL) and decrease of immunosenescence.  In other words, the researchers found that a unique protocol of treatments with high-pressure oxygen in a pressure chamber can reverse two major processes associated with aging and its illnesses: the TL (protective regions located at both ends of every chromosome) and the accumulation of old and malfunctioning cells in the body (aka “zombie”...

Longevity and Aging

27 November 2020

Aging - introduction Is the process of becoming older. That’s the simplest explanation found on Wikipedia. We all start to age as soon as we are born. The first symptoms of aging are the loss of ability to hear high-frequency sounds (>20kHz). This happens when we hit our teenage years. Why are we aging? At the cellular level, two key hallmarks of the aging process include Telomere Length (TL) shortening and cellular senescence (also called “zombie” cells). This video below explains...

Shoulder Pain

15 July 2020

Rotator cuff related shoulder pain The rotator cuff is a complex made of four muscles and their tendons (muscle attachments on a bone). This particular structure keeps the shoulder joint in the socket joint. The shoulder joint is the fastest and the most mobile joint in the human body. To achieve this level of mobility sacrifices had to be made. And the sacrifice comes in a shape of stability. The shoulder joint (ball and socket) has a very shallow socket. Therefore, ...

Lower Back Pain

8 July 2020

Lower Back Pain Lower back pain is the most common musculoskeletal condition treated by physiotherapists. Most if not all adults will develop lower back pain at some point in their lifetime. Sometimes it could be caused by trauma – sports injuries, road traffic accidents, falls, etc. However, most of the time the pain starts for no particular reason.  Historically and still currently, lower back pain is highly over-medicalised. Treatment and prognosis associated with lower back pain vary widely from bed...