Anthony Heckford

Advanced Physiotherapy Practitioner


Anthony qualified from Manchester Metropolitan University in with a BSc (Hons) in Physiotherapy and a diploma in sports massage. Since qualifying Anthony has purely worked in the musculoskeletal setting. He is an Advanced Physiotherapy Practitioner in the NHS and is a co-owner for AMR Physiotherapy. Anthony has also helped at various sports clubs throughout his training. Anthony is a registered Physiotherapist and a member of the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy and Health Care Professionals Council.  


Using his experience and knowledge gained through his experience, Anthony will be able to assess his patients thoroughly and appropriately. Anthony believes that everyone should be addressed as a whole and a thorough medical investigation is vital to understand his client’s problem. Therefore, you should be prepared to answer questions related to your past medical history, previous injuries, lifestyle/diet and activity levels etc. 

Anthony will then assess the integrity of musculoskeletal and neurological systems, biomechanics, movement patterns, as well as their strengths and weaknesses. 
The treatment is based on three main pillars – education and advice, exercise prescription/ lifestyle changes and hands on techniques. These involve mobilisation, stretching/strengthening, muscle energy techniques, soft-tissue massage, and proprioceptive work. 
The emphasis and proportion of time spent on a particular modality varies from patient to patient. Anthony provides a patient-centred care approach and therefore, sessions are adjusted to your needs. 

The main aim is to restore your body’s function, mobility, strength, stability and overall fitness allow you to meet your goals and achieve what matters most to you. 

Clinical Interest 

Anthony is a keen sports player, particularly football and goes to the gym regularly. He has a keen interest on health/lifestyle and has a particular interest in sports and exercise related injuries. Anthony is passionate about musculoskeletal practice and he aims to provide the best, evidence based advice to improve the quality of life of his patients and help them to meet their goals.